Friday, July 6, 2007

La Paloma

A few weeks ago I visited a beautiful place called La Paloma, a little town next to the Atlantic Ocean. I stayed during a week for a little (and intense) course about GIS. Being in the building of the lessons, with a beautiful view, I couldn't resist to take a lot of pictures, of the same view... a little footpath to the most quiet beach in this almost desert town (that is the center of summer life).


Unknown said...

No sabía que también te habías iniciado en el mundo "blogger" :D
Te mando besotes, y que este sitio se siga enriqueciendo con las fotos de USA!!!

Raquel said...

sip, hace poco...
pero no logré encontrar tu blog :D

Unknown said...

i'd like to know where in la paloma you took that picture. I've been there many times and never saw it...thanks. danielle

Raquel said...

Hi Danielle!!!

These pictures were taken from the municipal center of culture. This place is in front of tne school, in the route to the highschool... and this view is from the backyard of the center (it has a library too :D

thanks for asking, I hope you liked the pictures :D

crystal.travel6 said...
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